Community Garden

Community Garden Project


This was a personal project that allows users to find, share, and manage green spaces or community gardens. This was built during down-time at the DevAcademy bootcamp as a solo project allowing me to practice full-stack development. Included authentication and database management, as well as integrating external APIs for location and information, and mapping services from Google Maps API.

Having spent my 20s living in Melbourne and seeing the poularity of community gardens there, I wanted to create a platform that would allow people to find and share green spaces in their local area but tagging a latitude and longitude on a map, and creating a landing page with site details other users can see. The idea was that people could "propose" a potential site that is not in use and this would allow others to connect and hopefully utilise the space.


I wanted to practice using the Google Maps API and see how I could integrate it with a database and user authentication. I had initially started off using Leaf.js which incorporates OpenStreetMaps but swapped to the Google API when I was looking to inprove the styling. I also wanted to practice using Prisma and SQLite3 for the database, specifically how a user would be able to upload images. I was interested in getting a better hang of Next Auth for authentication and see how I could use it to protect routes and data with the goal of only allowing the user who created the site to edit or delete it. I managed to set up a user profile page from the user data which helped when it came to pre-populating forms with the users info.

Community GardenCommunity Garden

Future plans:

Comment sections for each site would be a big improvement, allowing users to chat or comment on details about a site. Maybe they have legal or speciic skills that could help with the site. I would also like to add a search function to find sites in a specific area and a way to filter sites by tags or categories. I would also like to add a way to upload multiple images to add protected routes.

Tech Used:

  • Next JS
  • Next Auth
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Prisma
  • SQLite3
  • Google Maps API
  • Multer
  • Dotenv
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